Music affecting the piece.

As our group is in the Cafe, many variations can change the mood of our performance.
Whether it be the weather, how many people or the music.

Music effects the tone of the piece, and the Cafe through my many days of me sitting there plays many different types of music.

I believe the classical music played will go with out piece nicely, as an exhibition of art and classical flow well together.

Jazz will make the piece more lively and jarring, with an upbeat tempo our pieces will seem happy, Will the audience in the cafe look around more if the music isn’t relaxing?

The last music I hear was Adele’s album, the music is often about sad relationships, will that make people put a story to out art pieces?

For example some of our exhibits, are people reading alone, another is sipping a coffee alone, will being alone with Adele playing make people think there is a realtionship story to out piece.

11 Someone Like You

If you can imagine those exhibits with that song, a story starts to become for the characters, a story about lost love.

Though we don’t get to choose the music on the day, I believe this will be interesting on how it effects out piece.

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