The man who married a mountain…

4th February, the collective

This week, we decided to explore further and begin to come up with some genuine ideas for our performance as a piece.

Living and being in the space – we liked the idea of turning back time (inspired by the extensive watch collection found in the usher gallery) and exploring what the building was like when it was the residence of James Usher as opposed to be open to the public.

Ways in which we can find out more about the Usher Gallery as a place of residence:

Local lib






When we came across the piece outside the usher gallery, we inquired as to what it was symbolic of. A member of staff told us that the artist, was inspired by a story about a man who was so in love with a mountain, he wanted to marry it. The artist then took this a step further and planted the engagement ring on a tree located outside the usher gallery in order to portray the concept of the bond between love and nature. We were intrigued as at this point, as we were the only group that had noticed the ring in the tree. It was from this, that we finally felt we were really looking at the space and paying attention to detail as we began to see things around us in a different light. From the ring in the tree (pictured above) we began to look in to the idea of seasons as the ring could only be seen fully when the tree was not in full bloom, i.e in the winter. In comparison, during the summer, when the ring is hidden by all of the leaves on the tree. We felt this could be a potential basis for our work as a group. Here’s what we came up with:





In the summer, when the leaves cover the ring, it is even more hidden and people walk past without knowing that the installation is there.

This is where we arrived at our concept of revelations and the revealing of spaces.



See you soon!

Authors: Ellie Henshaw

Word Count: 355


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